Wednesday, March 28, 2007 @10:45 PM
RARR!!! I'm feeling so dead tired.
Reached home at 10pm today from CO prac.
Sleeping at 1plus am for consecutive 2 days is a definite NO-NO for someone like me who can't keep late nights. AND that's only to struggle to complete all homework for the next day. o_O
I'm pretty sure the following month will be TERRIBLE for me, on top of sch and an increasing workload, CO prac is increasing from 2 prac per week to 4!!!
Tues,Wed,Fri and Sat will be CO days from now on.
(bearing in mind that prac time on tues: 5pm-8.30pm, wed: 3.30pm-8.30pm, fri:undetermined yet, and sat: 8am-12pm)
Not that I'm complaining as I too have a stake in CO, I'm just super worried whether my physical state can withstand such a timetable for 1 month.
Been popping health pills to keep my body going. good luck to me.
I take comfort that CO prac will be fun with lovely juniors like joson,minghan, shihao and jingxian around; alvin will be around to crack me up and of course, the beautiful music we're producing. ((:
and I believe in myself.
something to look forward this Fri: OAC Night Hike!
P.S will try to post photos of NE day camp,grandma's bdae and my auntie's bdae asap
Friday, March 23, 2007 @10:57 PM
"道长 is a lifetime job
一个黄城人最多只能谢幕六次, no more than that.
很庆幸可以谢幕第六次。始终还是standby在同样的位置,house right的stall entrance。始终都没有感觉。想哭,想叫,想high,不过都做不到。最后的那几分钟,问过自己,如果现在不high,还要等到什么时候?
想起跟云舟说过,我发现了道长不是做一年的,是一辈子的。因为seniors无论过了多久都不会忘记,都会回来帮忙。所以每个道长都会有这种responsibility,有这种 feeling of being compelled to come back. 我想,明年大概这段时间,我应该是摆脱不了amphi的阴影吧。
remember the myth about 道长 being the busiest person in VT? 有多准确我就不说了,等你自己当了道长就会知道 =)
不必再担心钱不够用。不必再买木、买镙丝(“林顺和合记”的镙丝都是给我买完的,今年可能用了5000多颗)。不必再画、再改storage plan. 不必在酝酿情绪来骂人。suddenly, it's empty. where do you go from now onwards?
it's not so much the work, the time, or the lethargy. it's the people. those whom you might never get to work with if you went anywhere else. and it's this special bonding, this special relationship, which keeps you remebering, which keeps you coming back for more.
自从上任以后,我的座右铭就是“任重道远”。i can't find anything more apt.
倾尽了大半的初院岁月在黄城,是时候move on了。i never had PHD last year. i doubt i'll have any this year. i've lived my own 黄城 life to the fullest, and i've enough memories to last me forever.
"house curtain fully closed."
道长 off cans."
the essence of 黄城精神!((: thanks to lee heng for giving me a deeper insight!
Monday, March 12, 2007 @9:47 PM
NJ roadrun
the girls who ran with me!
us looking sweaty after the run!
Western dance on the tracks.
overall, i enjoyed roadrun! yea. the pace was good, the weather was wonderful and the running partners were great and highly motivated. ((: We completed the run without feeling extremely fatigue, but rather, we were all smiles after the run. Doesn't feel like 3.2km at all when everything feels right!
Friday, March 09, 2007 @9:14 PM
outing to celebrate enchun and alicia's bdae!
US at teenage @ bugis cafe for lunch
my lunch: fish and chips for $5.20
the remaining time was spent at kbox in cineleisure! FUN! ((:
dinner at Kobayashi @ Cine
enchun dear looking pleased with her dinner
alicia babe and i! note: is her clothes stained...or is she picking her food with chopsticks?
ohyes..chantalle has arrived!!!! well..we had a surprise at hand for them. chantalle was supposed to come,but she pretended that she had something on and did not appear in kbox..then tadah! She came with the presents and cake! ((:
isn't the cake cute!!! powerpuff girls! kind of suit the all-girls occasion
the birthday girls looking happy...
happier with each growing moment..
alicia getting HIGH...
...and it's enchun's turn! LOL
cutting the cake...with CHOPSTICKS!
this happens with a knife is replaced with chopsticks!
dig in!
first try...BLUR
foursome! ((:
Wednesday, March 07, 2007 @10:03 PM
papa's 56th bdae on 26feb ((:
prima deli cake
family photo
mama and papa
blowing out the candles....
cutting the cake!